In Our Volunteer Showcase Series...
We ask members to answer seven questions to show others what it's like volunteering for the elderly in the community. Today we showcase Matias Chircca--an enthusiastic AG volunteer with a passion for helping others!
October 7, 2024
About Matias
1. What’s your name, major, and year?
My name is Matias Chircca and I'm a Business Administration: International Business major going through my Junior year at LU!!!
2. What programs have you volunteered for with Across Generations?
Through my time serving at Across Generations, I was able to serve in the hymns, arts and crafts and storytelling events!
3. What’s your favorite part about volunteering with the elderly?
My favorite part about serving with the elderly was definitely the conversations and friends I got out of it. I’ll always be thankful for those people and the different life advice they gave me.
4. Describe one interaction you’ve had with a senior. What did you have in common? What were you surprised about?
I met this woman named Alease. Since the day I talked to her we connected so fast and during one hymns event we realized we have the same favorite hymn.
5. Why did you want to volunteer with Across Generations?
At the very beginning, I was just at Across Generations because of the CSER points, but after the first weekend, I’ve been constantly going not just for the points but because of the different experiences you can get from it.
6. What have you learned by interacting with the elderly? Has your faith been impacted in any way? Please explain.
It's encouraging to see how even people who are “old” can still trust and believe in the Lord even when some of them can't walk, talk, or even see. Something that really impacted me was that this woman was almost 100 years old, and her friends were doing a group prayer for her. And that definitely impacted my life, on seeing how them even after all the health issues they have, they still trust in HIM.

Matias sits with a new friend at a McGurk House Discussion Event
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